Private transport

Private transport

Transporting items as a private person? We are happy to tell you more about it.

Transport for private individuals

If you need to transport goods to or from abroad as a private individual, it is best to have this done by a specialist. Because private transport is different from regular business transport, it is advisable to call in a specialist. Because TransUrgent specializes in business transport to destinations throughout Europe, we would like to refer you to a specialist, namely Brenger!

Bringer is specialized in taking care of private consignments. This can concern a few goods but also a complete relocation. You simply go through a number of steps here to immediately receive a price for your shipment.

TransUrgent for a private transport

TransUrgent has many years of experience in providing transport throughout Europe. However, TransUrgent is specialized in the business market. Private transport often has to meet different requirements than business shipments. For example, a forklift truck must be present at both the loading and unloading location and this location must be accessible for a large international truck. In many cases this is not possible for private shipments. For example, when goods have to be delivered in a city center or residential area, the truck cannot come here. There is also almost never a forklift available in the city center or residential area. This makes it impossible for the goods to be loaded or unloaded.

So if you are going to transport things as a private person, it is best to engage a specialist for private transport. For this we refer you to the company Brenger. This party specializes in private shipments. On the website of Brenger you can calculate the transport costs yourself and you immediately know where you stand.

TransHeroes portal

Transport specialist since 1986

Since 1986, TTS has specialized in transporting goods throughout Europe and far beyond. TTS's own customs department ensures that every transport runs smoothly.

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